
ASP.NET Web PDF Document Viewer/Editor Control Library

Let s now grant the select privilege directly to the user definer after connecting as sys: sys@ORA10G> grant select on t1 to definer; Grant succeeded. If we now compile the same procedure, it should compile just fine: sys@ORA10G> conn definer/definer; Connected. definer@ORA10G> -- now the following will compile definer@ORA10G> create or replace procedure definer_mode_proc 2 is 3 l_count number; 4 begin 5 select count(*) 6 into l_count 7 from t1; 8 dbms_output.put_line( 'Count is : ' || l_count ); 9 end; 10 / Procedure created. To summarize, by default when you create a procedure, it is created in definer rights mode. In this mode, all roles are disabled, hence the privileges on the accessed objects have to be granted directly to the user who owns the procedure. Let s now look at how to create procedures in invoker rights mode. We first create another user called invoker with the appropriate privileges: sys@ORA10G> create user invoker identified by invoker default tablespace users quota 2 unlimited on users; User created. sys@ORA10G> grant create session, 2 create table, 3 create procedure 4 to invoker; Grant succeeded. We also grant the role demo_role to the user invoker. Thus, the user invoker has select privileges on table t1 via demo_role: sys@ORA10G> grant demo_role to invoker; Grant succeeded.

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FailureException InvalidArgumentException EndOfStreamException DivideByZeroException NullReferenceException

We now connect as the user invoker and try to create a procedure, invoker_mode_proc, that prints the number of rows in table t1. The procedure is created in invoker rights mode by specifying the keyword authid current_user as shown highlighted in the following code (authid definer, which is the default, specifies that the procedure be created in definer rights mode): sys@ORA10G> conn invoker/invoker Connected. invoker@ORA10G> create or replace procedure invoker_mode_proc 2 authid current_user 3 is 4 l_count number; 5 begin 6 select count(*) 7 into l_count 8 from t1; 9 dbms_output.put_line( 'Count is : ' || l_count ); 10 end; 11 / Warning: Procedure created with compilation errors. invoker@ORA10G> show errors; Errors for PROCEDURE INVOKER_MODE_PROC: 6/3 8/8 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

lblValidationStatus.Text = "Invalid login. Please try again."; } private bool UserIsValid(string uid, string pwd) { // TODO: Generate hashcode of // incoming password if necessary. // TODO: Add ADO.NET logic to validate user. // Assume successful validation. return true; } } The final step is to update the project s web.config file to make use of Forms-based authentication. Notice that the <authentication> element now defines a nested <forms> subelement, which specifies the aspx file in the project that should be displayed by the framework. <configuration> <system.web> <authentication mode="Forms"> <forms loginUrl ="Logon.aspx"/> </authentication> <authorization> <deny users = " "/> </authorization> </system.web> </configuration> Also note that this web.config file also defines an <authorization> subelement. This element is used in conjunction with <authentication> to inform the runtime when the automatic redirection should take place. By specifying <deny users = " "/>, you are blocking all anonymous users (via the token). With this, your Forms-based authentication model is complete. As a simple test, run the web application. Because you haven t yet supplied valid credentials, your request doesn t have an attached authentication ticket and, therefore, you re automatically redirected to Logon.aspx (see Figure 5-9) For this example, the IsUserValid helper method has been hard-coded to always return true; therefore, you re able to enter any sequence of characters into the TextBox controls. However, when IsUserValid returns false, the user is presented with your custom error message (see Figure 5-10).

The procedure fails to compile again. This is because during compilation time, even for a procedure created with invoker rights, roles are disabled. To compile the preceding procedure, we need to use dynamic SQL as follows: invoker@ORA10G> create or replace procedure invoker_mode_proc 2 authid current_user 3 is 4 l_count number; 5 begin 6 execute immediate 'select count(*) from t1' into l_count; 7 dbms_output.put_line( 'Count is : ' || l_count ); 8 end; 9 / Procedure created.

You can catch exceptions using the try ... with ... language construct and : type-test patterns, which filter any exception value caught by the with clause. For example: > try raise (System.InvalidOperationException ("it's just not my day")) with | : System.InvalidOperationException -> printfn "caught!";; caught! We cover these patterns more closely in 5. The following code sample shows how to use try ... with ... to catch two kinds of exceptions that may arise from the operations that make up the http method, in both cases returning the empty string "" as the incomplete result. Note that try ... with ... is just an expression, and it may return a result in both branches: open System.IO let http(url: string) = try let req = System.Net.WebRequest.Create(url) let resp = req.GetResponse() let stream = resp.GetResponseStream() let reader = new StreamReader(stream) let html = reader.ReadToEnd() html with | : System.UriFormatException -> "" | : System.Net.WebException -> "" When an exception is thrown, a value is created that records information about the exception. It is this value that is being matched against the earlier type-test patterns. This value may also be bound directly and manipulated in the with clause of the try ... with constructs. For example, all exception values support the Message property: > try raise (new System.InvalidOperationException ("invalid operation")) with | err -> printfn "oops, msg = '%s'" err.Message;; oops, msg = 'invalid operation'

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